Corporate Secretary
Tjeng Susanty Wijaya
Company’s Commissioner
Indonesian citizen, born in Jakarta in 1963. Graduated with Bachelor Degree Majoring in Economic Management from Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta in 1988 and she obtained Master degree in Management from the Indonesian Management Development Institute (IPMI) in 2001.
Susanty has been working in the Indonesian Capital Market for almost 35 years, starting at PT Nomura Indonesia in 1990 - 1996 as Head of Settlement, later at PT UBS Securities Indonesia from 1996 to 1998 as Head of Settlement. She joined briefly PT Merrill Lynch Indonesia as Head of Operations in 1998 and PT Masindo Artha Securities in 2000 as Head of Settlement. Subsequently worked at PT NISP Sekuritas from 2000 to 2008 as Director and finally at PT DBS Vickers Sekuritas Indonesia in 2008 – 2019 as Director. She serves as Independent Commissioner of PT Panca Global Sekuritas from October 2023 until now.