Corporate Secretary

Risk management aims to minimize the risk of losses.
Risk management at least includes:
Identify potential internal risks at every function/unit and the potential risks that may affect the performance of the external company;
Handling risk management strategies;
Implement management programs to reduce risk;
Evaluates the success of the risk management.
The benefits of risk management is to minimize the impact of the loss of the uncertainty in the venture.
Business Risks
Macroeconomic Risk
Macroeconomic risk is a risk arising in connection with changes in national economic conditions that affect both directly and indirectly the Company's performance. This risk can arise as an impact of foreign factors, such as the global financial crisis affecting the domestic economy.
Macroeconomic factors that can have a negative effect include changes in interest rates, national economic growth rates, inflation rates and the exchange rate of the rupiah against foreign currencies. These factors also have a serious impact and can reduce the Company's income if this happens, then the business target and profitability cannot be achieved.
Compliance Risk
Compliance Risk is a Risk as a result of the Company not complying with and / or not implementing the laws and regulations. And in addition, if there is a violation of one of the provisions, the risk that might occur is the imposition of sanctions for the Company in the form of financial penalties in the form of material fines or non-financial sanctions in the form of written statements, sanctions for inability and incompetence (fit & proper test) of the Board of Directors of the Company or freezing of certain business activities, and loss of reputation. This can negatively affect the Company both financially and non-financially.
Legal Risk
Legal risk is a risk caused by the existence of a juridical weakness, which among others is due to lawsuits, lack of supporting legislation, or weaknesses in the engagement such as not fulfilling the legal requirements of the contract and binding of imperfect collateral. Several factors influence legal risk, including the existence of lawsuits from third parties for transactions carried out and errors / omissions in making contracts / agreements.
This risk will not only have an impact on the smooth operation of the operation, it will also cause an increase in operational costs which in turn will harm the Company and have a negative impact on the Company's profits.
Strategic Risk
Strategic Risk is risk due to inaccuracy in making and/or implementing a strategic decision and failure to anticipate changes in the business environment.
If in preparing a strategic plan, which is generally outlined in a Business Plan, there is a mistake, it can result in not achieving the company's objectives, including not achieving the target/ financial projection as expected, due to improper business planning.
This risk can also be attributed to the establishment and implementation of the Company's strategies that are not appropriate, inappropriate business decision making, or the Company's lack of responsiveness to external changes. This risk will not only have an impact on the increase in operating expenses which in turn will affect the level of profit and performance of the Company, and also have a negative impact on the health of the Company.
The procedures and implementation of the Company's operations must be adjusted to legislation that is constantly undergoing renewal. Failure to anticipate these policy changes can have a negative impact on the Company's performance, which will certainly affect the Company's soundness.
Effectiveness of Risk Management System
The Company’s risk management system is implemented at any time according to the type of risks available. Supervision is done for every risk which may occur both on the preventable and unavoidable risks.
Disclosure of awards & administrative sanctions (reward & punishment) which is subject to the company/Board of Commissioners/directors;
The management of Human Resources of the human dimension in building efforts justice. This means that employees are not only judged from its positive contribution (assets & factor). Employees also deserved given rewards (reward) and sanctions (punishment), due to the burden of negative (liability factor). The Spirit of the company to give reward and punishment are the same wear, which aims to improve and restore the power of the employees, so as to benefit both for employees and for the company. The main instruments used to measure the performance of the employee is to use performance management instruments (performance management). The implementation of these measurements are done every year in the form of Employee Performance Appraisals.
Companies can reward parties that considered giving example in applying the company's ethical standards in accordance with company policy.
The consequences of the violations of the company's ethical standards:
Partners of proven violation, it will be penalized in accordance with the regulations and the decisions of the company.
In a clearly proved to have committed a violation of the company's ethical standards, any employee in any depth will be penalized in accordance with.
Employees proven infringement of the company's ethical standards may be subject to disciplinary actions in the form of oral or written reprimands, warnings and suspensions until the termination of hard working relationship.
If existing conditions involve violations of criminal law and the civil code, the problem can be forwarded to the authorities.
If proven to have been violations of the company's ethical standards that is indisipliner, it will be further processed by the Personnel Section.
Nature of the disciplinary action taken, will depend on the seriousness of the offence committed and the related situation.
Case facing the Company
Till now, the Company, Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners are not facing any legal suit and are not involved in any dispute.
Administrative Sanctions
In 2023 the Company did not received administrative sanctions from the Financial Services Authority for violations of laws and regulations in the Capital Market sector.