Corporate Secretary
The corporate secretary is an individual appointed by the board of directors as the person in charge of ensuring that all actions, decisions, operations and procedures in managing the company, either by the Board of Commissioners and/or the Board of Directors, are in accordance with applicable regulations. The corporate secretary is appointed and dismissed based on the decision of the Board of Directors. In carrying out his duties the Corporate Secretary is prohibited from holding any concurrent positions in the Company or other Public Companies.
Secretary Profile
Indonesian Citizen, born in Tangerang on 1999. Obtained a Bachelor of Economics degree from Mercu Buana University in 2021. Started her career as Corporate Secretary based on Directors Decree No.:006/PGK-DIR/VI/2022 regarding Appointment of Corporate Secretary which is effective from June 2022 – present.
Report on the Implementation of Company Duties and Responsibilities
During 2023, the Corporate Secretary has carried out his functions, including:
Following the development of the capital market by attending seminars, training, workshops held by the Financial Services Authority, the Indonesia Stock Exchange, and other parties.
Assisting the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners in implementing corporate governance by making information disclosure to the public in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
As a liason between the Company and related institutions such as the Financial Services Authority, the Indonesia Stock Exchange, and/or shareholders.
Submit report to the Financial Services Authority and/or the Indonesia Stock Exchange in a timely manner.
Organizing and documenting important company activities such as: General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), Public Expose, Board of Directors Meeting, Board of Commissioners Meeting, Joint Meeting and Audit Committee Meeting.
Education and/or training that has been attended by the Corporate Secretary in the financial year are seminars, workshops and socialization organized by the Financial Services Authority, Indonesia Stock Exchange, Indonesian Central Securities Depository and Indonesia Corporate Secretary Association (ICSA).